Easy Photoshop Text Effects

Easy Photoshop Text Effects 8,7/10 5047 reviews

You can perform various operations on type to change itsappearance. For example, you can warp type, convert type to shapes,or add a drop shadow to type. One of the easiest ways to createtype effects is to play the default Text Effects actions that comewith Photoshop on a type layer. You can access these effects bychoosing Text Effects from the Actions panel menu.

Youcan enter type that flows along the edge of a work path createdby a pen or a shape tool. When you enter type along a path, thetype flows in the direction that anchor points were added to thepath. Entering horizontal type on a path results in letters thatare perpendicular to the baseline. Entering vertical type on a pathresults in text orientation parallel to the baseline.

Create a Rusty Horror Text Effect in Photoshop Follow this tutorial to learn how to create a simple, rough, rusty horror text effect December 4, 2018 Photoshop Tutorial, Text Effect. Adobe has been working hard to give us a better 3D tool in Photoshop. And I have to say, I love it! In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Repousse tool to create a 3D grungy text effect.

Youcan also enter type inside a closed path. In this case, however,the type is always oriented horizontally, with line breaks occurringwherever the type reaches path boundaries.


Asyou move a path or change its shape, related type conforms to thenew path location or shape.

Horizontal and vertical type on a closed path created by ashape tool

    • Select the Horizontal Type tool orthe Vertical Type tool .

    • Select the Horizontal Type Mask tool orthe Vertical Type Mask tool .

  1. Position the pointer so that the baseline indicator ofthe type tool ison the path and click. After you click, an insertion point appearson the path.
    The baseline indicator of the Type tool (left) and the Typetool with its baseline indicator on a path (right)

  2. Enter the type. Horizontal type appears along the path,perpendicular to the baseline. Vertical type appears along the path,parallel to the baseline.


    For more control over vertical alignmentof type on a path, use the Baseline Shift option in the Characterpanel. For example, type a negative value in the Baseline Shift textbox to lower the type.

  1. Select the Direct Selection tool orPath Selection tool andposition it over the type. The pointer changes to an I‑beam withan arrow .
    • To move text, click and drag the type alongthe path. Be careful not to drag across the path.

    • To flip text to the other side of the path, clickand drag the type across the path.

Using the Direct Selection tool or Path Selection tool tomove or flip type on a path.


Tomove type across a path without changing the direction of the type,use the Baseline Shift option in the Character panel. For example,if you created type that runs from left to right across the topof a circle, you can enter a negative number in the Baseline Shifttext box to drop the type so that it flows inside the top of thecircle.

  1. When the type tool is surrounded by dashed parentheses , clickto insert text.
  1. Select the Path Selection tool orthe Move tool , andthen click and drag the path to a new position. If you use the PathSelection tool, make sure that the pointer does not change to anI‑beam with an arrow oryou’ll move the type along the path.
  1. Click an anchor point on the path and use the handlesto change the shape of the path.

You can warp type to create a special typeeffect. For example, you can warp type in the shape of an arc ora wave. The warp style you select is an attribute of the type layer—youcan change a layer’s warp style at any time to change the overall shapeof the warp. Warping options give you precise control over the orientation andperspective of the warp effect.


You cannotwarp type layers that include Faux Bold formatting or that use fontswithout outline data (such as bitmap fonts).

    • Select a type tool, and click the Warp button in the options bar.

    • Choose Type > Warp Text.


    You can use the Warp command to warp text in a type layer. Choose Edit > Transform Path > Warp.

  1. Select the orientation of the warp effect—Horizontalor Vertical.
  2. If desired, specify values for additional warping options:
    • Bend to specify how much warp is appliedto the layer

    • Horizontal Distortion or Vertical Distortion toapply perspective to the warp

  1. Selecta type layer that has warping applied to it.
  2. Select a type tool and click the Warp button inthe options bar, or choose Layer > Type >Warp Text.
  3. Choose None from the Style pop‑up menu, and click OK.

Youcan work with type characters as vector shapes by converting themto a work path. A work path is a temporary path thatappears in the Paths panel and defines the outline of a shape. Afteryou create a work path from a type layer, you can saveand manipulate it as you do any other path. You cannot edit charactersin the path as text; however, the original type layer remains intactand editable.

  1. Select a type layer, and choose Type > Create Work Path.


    You cannot create work paths from fontsthat don’t include outline data (such as bitmap fonts).

When you convert type to shapes, the typelayer is replaced by a layer with a vector mask. You can edit thevector mask and apply styles to the layer; however, you cannot editcharacters in the layer as text.

  1. Select a type layer, and choose Type > Convert To Shape.


    You cannot create shapes from fonts thatdon't include outline data (such as bitmap fonts).

Whenyou use the Horizontal Type Mask tool or Vertical Type Mask tool,you create a selection in the shape of the type. Type selectionsappear on the active layer, and can be moved, copied, filled, orstroked just like any other selection.

  1. Select the layer on which you want the selectionto appear. For best results, create the type selection border ona normal image layer, not a type layer. If you want to fill or strokethe type selection border, create it on a new blank layer.
  2. Select the Horizontal Type Mask tool orthe Vertical Type Mask tool .
  3. Select additional type options, and enter type at a pointor in a bounding box.

    A red mask appears over the active layer as you enter thetype. After you click the Commit button , thetype selection border appears in the image on the active layer.

Adda drop shadow to give depth to text in an image.

  1. In the Layers panel, select the layer containingthe text to which you want to add a drop shadow.
  2. Click the Layer Style button atthe bottom of the Layers panel and choose Drop Shadow from the listthat appears.
  3. If possible, position the Layer Style dialog box so thatyou can see the layer and its drop shadow.
  4. Adjust the settings to your liking. You can change variousaspects of the shadow, including the way it blends with the layersbelow it, its opacity (how much the underlying layers show through),the angle of the light, and its distance from the text or object.
  5. When you’re satisfied with the drop shadow, click OK.


    To use the same drop shadow settingson another layer, Alt+drag the Drop Shadow layer in the Layers panelto the other layer. When you release the mouse button, Photoshopapplies the drop shadow attributes to the layer.

You can fill type with an image by applyinga clipping mask to an image layer placed above a type layer in theLayers panel.

  1. Open the file containing the image you want touse inside the text.
  2. Select the Horizontal Type tool orthe Vertical Type tool inthe toolbox.
  3. Click the Character tab to bring the Character panelto the front or, if the panel isn’t open, choose Window >Character.
  4. In the Character panel, select the font and other typeattributes for the text. Large, bold, thick letters work best.
  5. Click an insertion point in the document window and typethe desired text. When you are satisfied with the text, press Ctrl+Enter(Windows) or Command+Return (Mac OS).
  6. Click the Layers tab to bring the Layers panel to thefront or, if the panel isn’t open, choose Windows >Layers.
  7. (Optional) If the image layer is the background layer,double-click the image layer in the Layers panel to convert it froma background layer into a regular layer.


    Background layers are locked and prevent you frommoving them in the Layers panel. It’s necessary to convert backgroundlayers to regular layers to unlock them.

  8. (Optional) In the New Layer dialog box, you can renamethe layer. Click OK to close the dialog box and convertthe image layer.
  9. In the Layers panel, drag the image layer so that itis immediately above the type layer.
  10. With the image layer selected, choose Layer >Create Clipping Mask. The image appears inside the text.
  11. Select the Move tool , andthen drag the image to adjust its placement within the text.


    To move the text instead of the image,select the type layer in the Layers panel and then use the Movetool to move the text.

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Photoshop has given us unlimited possibilities to reinvent our creativity. There are numerous Cool Photoshop Effects Resource which will take you through the step by step procedure of turning a simple image into something that will absolutely blow you away. With some of the amazing effects you can create in Photoshop, you will be so proud of your creations. With Photoshop you literally have no limits in regards to your artistic abilities.

Photoshop is full of various tools which makes your work much simpler and better. These tools also helps you in creating professional results. In other words, Photoshop is one of the most used tools and one of the best tools a digital artist could ever use. They can get their work done quickly, but they also get great results.

Are you new to Photoshop or are struggling to find some of the best and cool photoshop tutorials out there? If so, you should look no further because we’ve got you covered! We have dug through the internet to find what we think are some of the most cool photoshop effect tutorials that you could ever find. These tutorials will teach you more about Photoshop and give you the ability to make some really great images in Photoshop.

Photoshop Effects Tutorials

Photoshop Effects Tutorials will take you to a new world where you can create any thing you imagine. You can play with colors, create beautiful scenery, create surreal or horror manipulation scenes, add light and abstract effects, creating advertisements and much more. Check out this set of collection of Photoshop Effects Tutorials.

Making of “Color Combustion“ a Photo Manipulation

In this Photoshop tutorial learn the process of making of a digital photo manipulation called Color Combustion.

Photoshop Effects: Create a Colorful Woodpecker and Tree Scenery

This tutorial is a perfect one for brushing your Photoshop and drawing skills.

Combine Photo Elements to Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation – Photoshop Effects

Here you will learn how to use a variety of color, lighting, and cut and paste techniques to create a surreal photo manipulation.

Create A Speeding Car Scene With Light Effects In Photoshop

Create a composition that blends together various stock images to create a cohesive scene. In addition, we will be using some cool Photoshop tricks to add light effects to the design.

More information on Create A Speeding Car Scene With Light Effects In Photoshop

Create a Cool Liquid Text Effect with Feather Brush Decoration in Photoshop

Create this Cool Liquid Text Effect with Feather Brush Decoration in Photoshop. This is an intermediate level tutorials and some steps can be a bit tricky for the newbies.

Faking a Dental Ad: From Gorgeous to Gross – Reverse Cosmetic Dentistry

Photshop is widely used for creating advertisements. Make a one for Dental clinic through this tutorial.

The Making of “Climb“ – An Awesome 3D Text Composition in Photoshop

In this tutorial, you‘ll learn how to create 3D text within Photoshop, along with a nice stylish background, and then apply textures and bring out some awesome details in your work.

Design Awesome Grungy Text Effect with Stone Texture in Photoshop

Author will show you the steps he took to Design Awesome Grungy Text Effect with Stone Texture in Photoshop. The main focus of this tutorial is how you quickly apply textures and stock images to create great text effect.

Making of the Imaginary Paint Dancers

Learn how to make Imaginary Paint Dancers through this tutorial.

Fantastic Disintegration Effect inspired by Watchmen in Photoshop

In this tutorial Author will show you how to create the disintegration effect using brushes and the blur filter.

Dreamy photo effect

In this tutorial we will take a photo and use different color adjustments and something like pattern floral brushes to make it better or to make a different mood to our picture.

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Easy Photoshop Effects

Photoshop Effects are not that difficult to master if you start your learn with Easy Photoshop Effects tutorials. It will give you detailed knowledge and stepby step description, which is missing in advanced level tutorials. So enjoy learning Photoshop with below mentioned list of Easy Photoshop Effects.

How to Use and Create Brushes in Adobe Photoshop

This tutorial will show you how to get and use brushes. Then how to install them, and finally how to use them. The second part of the video is how to make your own brush.

Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop

In this tutorial, author will show you how you can Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop.

Create a Greeting Card for Christmas and New Year

A very detailed tutorial where author will show you how to create a greeting card for Christmas and New Year Holidays to impress your relatives and friends. This Photoshop tutorial is very simple but the result looks so amazing

Photoshop Tutorial To Enhance Photos and Still Keeping Skin Pores

Here is a simplified guide on How to Get Your Photos Enhanced Naturally Without Having To Learn All The Tools In Photoshop and Still Keeping Skin Pores.

Create Your Own Social Icon Stickers

In this tutorial author will run you through some simple steps to create some social networking icon stickers you can use on a website or any other project you want to use them for.

How to remove objects from an image

This is a common task using Photoshop in works for clients. They give you their source image and you must “clean it“. This require of patience and analyzing the image you will work with.

Create a Roadmap Poster in Photoshop

Learn how to create a very simple but a pretty roadmap poster in Photoshop. In this tutorial author will use layer styles, blend modes and a little of adjustments layers.

How to Use Blending Modes in Photoshop

This tutorial shows you how to use blending modes in Photoshop for a variety of effects. Knowing how blending modes work can really help you get the job done in a wide variety of situations.

How to correctly position subjects in an image

How many times we look at a montage and instinctively we detect there something wrong; the subject clearly looks superimposed. There is a very simple rule that applies in every image and it can make your subjects really appear like they were originally in the shot.

Getting Started with Photoshop Article

Here author will cover some of the basic tools and tasks that will be drawn on in the later chapters.

Scary Photoshop Effects

Photoshop is not only used to beauty or enhance an image. Photoshop can also be used to show distructive or scary effects. You can create a effect to show how our planet will look without trees or without water, or you can create any sort of Photomanipulation to create a scary look. Enjoy this list of Scary Photoshop Effects.

“Mysterious Hollow. Dark landscape.“

Learn how to make a Mysterious Hollow effect in this amazing tutorial.

Scared Photomanipulation Tutorial

Author will teach you some basic things about Photomanipulation through this tutorial.

Torture a Man and Stitch Him Up

Transform a man into a torture victim with a couple tricks and some basic tools.

Design a Dramatic and Surreal Rainy Scene with Photoshop

Learn all about how to manipulate images and combine them to create surreal scenes, in this case a rainy scene.

How to Create a Mythical Creature Photo Manipulation

A premium tutorial on how to create a mythical creature photo manipulation.

Design a Surreal Desert Scene in Photoshop

In this tutorial author is going to show you how to create a surreal time-themed photomanipulation using Photoshop.

Create an Alien Invasion Photo Manipulation in Photoshop

In this tutorial author will explain you how to create a destroying city manipulation by using some basic techniques like color correction, masking and brushes.

Matte Painting Tutorial

Here is one matte painting author did long time ago. He thought some people want to see how you can create matte painting and maybe to clear some things about it.

Making of Renaissance

Learn how to make Renaissance in Photoshop using Matte painting technique

End of the World Photo Manipulation

Learn how to make a seen of end of the World through Photo Manipulation.

Photoshop Photo Effects

Photographs are our treasure of memories and we want to click each Photograph to make it the best memory of our life. But not every image can be rated ten out often. When its difficult to create that memory again, Photoshop comes as a saviour with its Photoshop Photo Effects. You can retouch a Photograph to give it a complete makeover or restore an old one. Check out the best techniques with these Photoshop Photo Effects

Beautiful Facial Make Up Photoshop Retouching Tutorial

In this tutorial author will show you how you can dramatically change one woman‘s face with simple photoshop techniques. Author will try to create unrealistic woman portrait. The face will have a plastic look, and author will try to create an effect between a plastic girl and a cartoon image.

How to Retouch a Photo

In this tutorial author will show you how to retouch a picture of a person and get the image more celebrity-like or magazine-worthy (in society‘s eyes, not mine), without getting an airbrushed look.

Advance masking

Second part for the advance masking series using Calculations Photoshop tutorial.

Complete portrait retouching

In this tutorial author will tell you how to make a complete portrait retouch. You will know how to remove blemishes, retouch and enhance the skin, eyes, eyebrows, lips, as well as improve the highlight and shadow to make your picture look natural, vivid and beautiful. During this process many different techniques are shown and everything is explained in detail.

Beautify a Face

This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to beautify a face. The corrections that we‘re going to do will make the face look different, but at the same time we avoid to make the results look unnatural like we tend to see in other Photoshop tutorials.

How to create a glamour style composition using patterns and masks

In today‘s tutorial you will learn how to give a photo a complete glamour style using patterns and masks in Adobe Photoshop. Layered PSD file included.

Enhance portrait photo with natural look

In this tutorial author will show you a way that gives your portrait a very nice, smooth but still very natural look. Your photo wil have a real skin with lively skin, nice shadow and highlight, lively and sexy lips and eyes. It gives you the best and natural look that‘s possible.

How To Repair Scratches, Tears, and Spots on an Old Photograph

In this tutorial you will learn how to repair cracks, scratches, and spots so this photo of the Swedish Nightingale, Jenny Lind, looks just like new. We will purposely avoid using some of the quick fix tools such as the healing brush so that you can gain an understanding of the basics of photo restoration.

Photoshop Skin Retouching

The skin retouching is recommended if pimples, spots and light reflections let the skin effect of restlessness and unclean. The effect of the retouching is silky-smooth skin that will look even more natural.

Crazy Photoshop Effects

The possibilities with Photoshop are endless. You can create anything which is in your mind. To fullfil the creative hunger, designers can create some really amazing and Crazy Photoshop Effects which will energize your interest level. Check our list of Crazy Photoshop Effects below.

How to Create an Outstanding Wallpaper Design in Photoshop

Here author will create a textured abstract design in Photoshop using stock photos, brushes and a few guidelines regarding the composition.

More information on How to Create an Outstanding Wallpaper Design in Photoshop

Photoshop Water Reflection

In this Photoshop photo effects tutorial, we‘re going to learn how to easily add a realistic water reflection to any photo. It‘s a very easy effect to create and you can add it to any photo you like, although it tends to work best with images that don‘t already contain water in them.

Banana style text effect

Learn how you can create a Banana style text effect in Photoshop.


In order to practice and improve on certain aspects of painting author often do quick sketches with a specific theme or subject matter. The drawing “Pitch“ was one of these ‘test-paintings‘; author started working on it with the intention of creating a very complex scene, but not over detailing it. Detail in the wrong place can hurt the overall picture, as it distracts the viewer from where he should be looking instead.

Getting Started With Digital Matte Painting – Workflow, Techniques and Walkthrough

Welcome to this tutorial on the basic work?ow for a general matte painting, hope you like it and learn something from it. This is not an extremely advanced tutorial yet the author assume you have knowledge of Photoshop masks, adjustment layers and custom brush creation, if not there are several tutorials online that cover all these techniques.

How to Create a Matte Painting Inspired Scene

In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial, we are going to go over a method for composing a beautiful matte painting style scene. Matte paintings are typically used in movies to create expensive or surreal landscapes and scenes that are stitched together with regular footage.

How to Combine Digital Painting and Photo Manipulation to Create a Platform Environment

In this tutorial, you will learn how to combine digital painting and photo manipulation to create polished fantasy art. The process of combining digital painting and photo manipulation is a great mix. It truly allows you conquer the world with beautiful illustrations.

Matte painting tutorial

Explained here is the process of creating a mattepainting, including basic painting techniques, using 3d elements and composing them inside your painting as well some ways of color-grading.

Create Cracked 3D Stone Text Effect with Photoshop and Cinema 4D

In this tutorial we are going to create realistic stone text effect with Photoshop and Cinema 4D.

Create Bring Me To Life Photo Manipulation Scene

In this tutorial you will learn different photomanipulation techniques such as how to implement stock photos in your picture, how to combine them together to create a surreal image and how to use the 3D tool of Photoshop to give your piece a better look.

Best Photoshop Effects

Photoshop is all about your creativity level. You can create better than the best designs with the helpof Photoshop. Have a look at following Best Photoshop Effects and alsolearn how the authors have created these Best Photoshop Effects.

Create a Fictional Arctic Snow Frog in Photoshop

Here author will combine several stock images and effects to create a fictional arctic snow frog in Photoshop

Roses bouquet splash effect

This is step by step Photoshop tutorial that teaches you how to create blurred, bokeh effect background and beautiful splash effect for Roses bouquet. You will use milk splashes, filters and layer style effects

Create Bring Me To Life Photo Manipulation Scene

In this tutorial you will learn different photomanipulation techniques such as how to implement stock photos in your picture, how to combine them together to create a surreal image and how to use the 3D tool of Photoshop to give your piece a better look.

How To Build a Stylish Portfolio Web Design Concept

In this particular article author will create the visual concept and overall design concept in Photoshop, using various effects, blending modes and layer styles to create all the detailed elements of the design.

Untouched Signature Photoshop Tutorial

In this tutorial author will show you how to piece together a simple, but great looking signature in Photoshop. We will be making use of the smudge tools and some image adjustments filters as well. You don‘t have to be pro to follow this simple tutorial.

Create a Fallen, Rain-Soaked, Angel Composition in Photoshop

Here author will demonstrate how to create a lonely, fallen, rain-soaked, angel composition in Photoshop using photo manipulation techniques.

Water effect photo montage

Learn how you can create a Water effect photo montage through this tutorial.

How to Create a Conceptual Headdress in Photoshop

In this tutorial, author will create a really cool conceptual headdress using stock photos, Photoshop and his imagination.

More information on How to Create a Conceptual Headdress in Photoshop

Abstract Celeb Sig Tutorial

This is an abstract tutorial for making a sig in PhotoShop CS2, or a similar version/program.

Facing a New Day – Photoshop Manipulation

In this manipulation tutorial author will show you how to create a really nice sunrise scene. He will also show you how to transform a day picture into a sunrise using some adjustment layers and gradient maps.

These are some of the best Photoshop tutorials we could find on the Internet. We have compiled a massive list as you can see, so these tutorials should definitely keep you busy. Try your best to go through each tutorial and complete it. That way, you will be on your way to becoming a Photoshop master.

If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our older articles on Miscellaneous Photoshop Tutorials, 105 Photoshop Textures, Photoshop Tips for Beginners, and Photoshop Scripting Tutorials.

very Nice collections of images…I am also expert In Photoshop. these are truly awesome..!!

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